Free Journal
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Established in 1952, the Forces Postal History Society was formed to bring together the many collectors interested in the postal history of the Armed Forces of all countries, (and United Nations), at all times, whether in war or peacetime, including the study of postmarks, cachets, postage rates, prisoner-of-war mail, stamps and stationery, censorship and the organisation of military postal services.
Since its formation the Society has achieved steady growth with nearly 300 members in many countries. A wide variety of interests is catered for covering all military forces in all theatres of war and in peacetime.
Support amongst members is naturally strongest for the armed forces of the Crown with devotees concentrating on Royal Navy, the RAF, first and second World Wars, military camps etc. Others collect and study on a one country basis but whatever their interests, narrow or widespread, the Society encourages groups of members with similar interests to pool their knowledge and support further study into their chosen field in the hope that a draft manuscript suitable for publication will ultimately emerge. Moreover, members are especially urged to write articles for the Journal, to report new items and supply information generally.
Please use the About Us link above to find out more about how we are structured and what we do.
At Banstead Community Hall (10am to 3pm)
Fair sponsored by the Society