“Egypt: From the Postal Concession until Suez 1932 to 1956 (Part II - Commonwealth and Other Allied Forces through World War II)”
Dr Michael Gould
“British Naval Post & Censor Marks of the First World War Volume 2”
The Forces Postal History Society (FPHS) is pleased to announce that the “Harry Cope Memorial Award for Literature” for 2019 has been awarded jointly to the authors of two publications:
“Egypt: From the Postal Concession until Suez 1932 to 1956 (Part II - Commonwealth and Other Allied Forces through World War II)” by John Davis
This book (Part II of three parts) took some twenty plus years in the making and discusses further changes to the system when the military took over handling forces’ mail. Listings of Field Post Offices are included. The advent of Commonwealth forces in Egypt and their use of “borrowed” datestamps, as well as EGYPT POSTAGE PAID datestamps are detailed. The use of “own country” stamps and cancellers brought with them and “foreign country” Allied troops, such as American, Czech, Free French, Polish and Greek forces, also feature, as well as Axis forces and POWs. Chapter headings include:
· Changes in the system from 1st May 1941
· Army Post Stamps used by Commonwealth Forces: E600 series of datestamps used by Commonwealth Forces
· BAPO 4 and its Field Post Offices
· On Active Service and the Egypt Postal Paid datestamps
· Royal Air Force Post Office
· El-Alamein: a turning point in World War II
· Use of civilian Post Office datestamps
· Commonwealth Forces own datestamps:
· Australian Forces, Indian Forces, New Zealand Forces, South African Forces
· Other Allied Forces
· Axis Forces and their Prisoners of War mail
Size A4, card-bound,, comprising more than 220 pages and over 220 illustrations, almost all in full colour. Part II covers Chapters 14 to 26 (of 31) from 1st May 1941 to the end of World War II, discussing Commonwealth and Allied Forces in Egypt at that time. Obtainable from the author/publisher at a price of £45 plus postage and packaging (discounted price of £40 available to members of the FPHS and Egypt Study Circle). Please contact the author, John Davis, at john.davis2@btinternet.com for further details.

This volume details all the new discoveries since the publication of the first book (published 1984, revised edition 1998) AND incorporates all the marks listed in the Cumulative Supplements. A mammoth undertaking by Dr Michael Gould has at last reached fruition. Published in a similar format to the original book (revised edition), it comprises 131 pages and is profusely illustrated with black and white illustrations of the many new marks. Published by Postal History 2000 on behalf of the Forces Postal History Society; please contact Peter High for further details, availability, etc: peter.high94@hotmail.co.uk