This is a new book some twenty plus years in the making. Part II of III will be available from 21st January 2018.
Size A4, card-bound, comprising more than 220 pages and over 220 illustrations, almost all in full colour, Part II covers chapters 14 to 26 (of 31) from 1st May 1941 to the end of World War II, discussing Commonwealth and Allied Forces in Egypt at that time.
Obtainable from the author/publisher at a discounted price of £40.00 plus postage and packing using the voucher for members of Egypt Study Circle and Forces Postal History Society.
Please contact the author, John Davis, at or via the Hon. Sec. of either of the above Societies.
Alternatively, write to:
John Davis, Church View Cottage, Church Lane, Upton Snodsbury, Worcestershire, WR7 4NH, United Kingdom